Find Relief at the Trusted Plano Allergy Clinic

There are so many different things you can resolve to do with your new beginning this year, but we have several out-of-the-box ideas at West Plano Village that you may have not considered for your New Year resolution. From financial assistance and guidance to upgrading your smartphone and other tech, you can find unique ways to prepare for the new year here at our shopping center in Plano. Stop by today to prep for the new year in Plano at West Plano Village:

Kick Allergies to the Curb for New Year

Although the spring season isn’t for several weeks, allergies seem to rear their ugly heads throughout the year here in Texas. If you’re tired of taking antihistamines and feeling stuffy with allergies or sinus issues, then it’s time to visit the team at Aspire Allergy & Sinus. Not only can you discover what allergies and sinus problems you have, but you can also find the right treatment to get you through the year without another flare-up. 

Upgrade Your Tech at West Plano Village 

Make sure to capture all of those New Year activities with friends on a brand new smartphone from AT&T. They always have specials to upgrade your smartphone for free with eligible trade-ins, but that’s not all AT&T has to offer. If you resolved to be more fit this year, check out their selection of smartwatches to keep track of your goals while staying connected in style. 

Get Your Finances in Order 

This is the year to get your finances for the future! Charles Schwab is a prestigious financial institution specializing in helping individuals set themselves up for success with financial services for starting a business, buying a home, furthering education, and so much more. 

Prepare for a successful new year with these and more tips from our shopping center in Plano. Looking for more ways to prep for the new year in Plano? Check out our directory today! 

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Tackle Spring Seasonal Allergies at Texan Allergy & Sinus Center

Now that Spring is finally here, and we get to welcome all of the beautiful flowers and colorful landscapes, there is one big problem. Those flowers bring a whole lot of pollen with them that make spring allergies some of the worst of the year. Don’t worry though, Texan Allergy & Sinus Center is here to help with your seasonal allergies. Here is everything you need to know about seasonal allergies with West Plano Village:

Causes of Those Dreaded Spring Allergies

All of the flourishing trees, grasses and flowers send a storm of pollen flying through the air as they try to pollinate other plants. This is an incredible thing for nature, but a bad thing for your seasonal allergies. Our immune systems see pollen as a threat to our health, so our noses inflame to protect more pollen from entering our bodies. Luckily, there are few things you can do to help your seasonal allergies.

How to Alleviate Seasonal Allergies in Your Body

Did you know that over 60 million people suffer from seasonal allergies every single day? With the right treatments, you don’t have to be one of those people. The best way to get rid of those allergies is to see your wonderful friends at Texan Allergy & Sinus Center. They are experts in how to stop the inflammation and get your body back in its natural, healthy state.

What Texan Allergy & Sinus Center Can Do to Help

There are quite a few treatments for seasonal allergies. Some are over the counter, but those never work as well as you would hope. Texan Allergy & Sinus Center makes relieving allergies the easiest thing you’ll do all season. They’ll help you pinpoint exactly what it is that you’re allergic to in the air and provide a calendar of when it’s the most active. They’ve even got allergy drops that work like a charm for instant relief.

Well there you have it folks, a quick fix to seasonal allergies that actually works! All you have to do is head to Texan Allergy & Sinus Center to get an easier than ever allergy fix that will have you celebrating spring in no time. Want to learn more about seasonal allergies in Plano with West Plano Village? Check out our blog today!

West Plano Village is offered by Weitzman. Weitzman is one of the leading commercial real estate companies in North Texas. Weitzman offers a full range of Commercial Real Estate services including Project RepresentationTenant Representation and Investment Sales and, is also a leading Asset Management and Development Services Commercial Real Estate firm.


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Tackle Fall Allergies in Plano with Texan Allergy & Sinus Center

There’s a lot of proactive ways that you can alleviate fall allergies in Plano with Texan Allergy and Sinus Center. From allergy drops and allergy shots to oral immunotherapy treatment and other sinus services, Texan Allergy and Sinus Center can help you feel better in no time. In the meantime, here are a few tips that can help you improve some of the dreaded fall allergies in Plano from your friends at West Plano Village.

 Be Aware of Pollen Levels  

One easy thing to do is be aware of pollen levels. If the pollen levels are high, it’s best to stay indoors or limit your exposure to pollen. Limiting your outdoor activity when the pollen count is higher than usual is a good way to possibly avoid seasonal allergy symptoms. Plus, you can use the time inside to try some of these fall decorating ideas. The weather channel app for iPhones, iPads, and Apple watch is an excellent weather app that also gives the pollen count each day.

 Keep Mold from Growing in Your Home  

One of the worst culprits for Fall allergies is mold. Anywhere you have water, you can have mold. The water is what feeds it, and mold’s not good for your lungs or respiratory system. If you find mold, you can attempt to dry it out yourself with a dehumidifier and then use a bleach spray to treat the suspected area afterward. Or call a professional, that one is up to you.

Fight Fall Allergies in Plano at Texan Allergy & Sinus Center  

We all get those terrible allergy sinus symptoms sometimes and the best way to get yourself back on the right track is to see one of the many specialists at the Texan Allergy and Sinus Professional Care Team. The patient reviews that the Texan Allergy and Sinus Center have received over the years should give hope to all that suffer from allergy and sinus symptoms. Give them a call today at 1-800-975-2199 and schedule your appointment!

Take a look at their Teal Pumpkin Project. It’s a special project to bring awareness to food allergies during the Halloween season. It’s a wonderful way to help spread the word about children who suffer from food allergies during the holidays. Learn more about the ways to enjoy fall in Plano on our blog today!

West Plano Village is offered by Weitzman. Weitzman is one of the leading commercial real estate companies in North Texas. Weitzman offers a full range of Commercial Real Estate services including Project RepresentationTenant Representation and Investment Sales and, is also a leading Asset Management and Development Services Commercial Real Estate firm.

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Get the Best Summer Allergy Treatment in Plano

It’s that time of year again: allergy season. Warmer weather always brings unforgiving allergens with it. Seasonal allergies can cause people to suffer through day-to-day life. If you’re sick of putting up with your allergies, you should get an allergy treatment in Plano.

Texan Allergy & Sinus Center

Texan Allergy & Sinus Center, conveniently located in West Plano Village, offers different allergy treatments that can eliminate your symptoms. Seasonal allergies can be a thing of the past because Texan Allergy & Sinus Center has a treatment for you. Want to take charge of your life again? Now’s the time!

Seasonal Allergy Treatments

Allergy Drops

Allergy drops are convenient for patients and one of the easiest allergy treatments to implement. Since they are drops, patients can administer them in the comfort of their own home. There is no need to visit the office for each treatment, making the allergy drops perfect for those with a busy lifestyle. Allergy drops can painlessly and effectively treat seasonal allergies, which makes them a popular choice among patients.

Allergy Shots

Allergy Shots sound intimidating, especially if the patient doesn’t like getting shots. (Who does?) However, these can be a powerful treatment for those suffering from seasonal allergies. Allergy shots must be administered at the office. At the start of the treatment, they must be administered more frequently, but eventually, patients usually only need them every 3-6 weeks.

Contact them to schedule an appointment or ask any questions you may have about their treatment options.

Want to discover what else West Plano Village has to offer? Check out their directory. If you have any questions, feel free to contact them.

West Plano Village is offered by Weitzman. Weitzman is one of the leading commercial real estate companies in North Texas. Weitzman offers a full range of Commercial Real Estate services including Project RepresentationTenant Representation and Investment Sales and, is also a leading Asset Management and Development Services Commercial Real Estate firm.

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